Monday, January 11, 2016

Ahmad Ammar si pengkaji Sejarah Turki

Ahmad Ammar seorang remaja yang dididik dengan baik oleh kedua ibubapanya. Sejak kecil lagi ibu bapanya telah menanamkan mindset "ummati" kepada anak mereka. Tidak sedikit masa diperuntukkan bagi membina sahsiah Ahmad Ammar.
Sejak kecil lagi beliau menonjol di sekolah dalam akademik, sahsiah mahupun sukan.
Cemerlang dalam peperiksaan UPSR, PMR dan SPM di Maktab Tentera Diraja yang membuatkan Ammar seterusnya melanjutkan pelajaran ke Turki dalam bidang Sejarah.
Pernah menterjemah tayangan filem TV Turki ke dalam Bahasa Melayu.
Aqidah dan sahsiah yang mantap sudah diterap dari rumah, dan juga Ammar didedahkan dengan suasana yang Islamik bermula dari sekolah SAMBES dan lain2. 
Di MTD, suasana yang berlainan, agak keras dan tegang. Namun, dengan kebijaksanaan dan kekuatan dalaman yang kuat membuatkan Ammar terus cemerlang dalam MTD dan mendapat penghormatan daripada senior dan tenaga pengajar.

Persediaan awal belajar Bahasa Turki di Bangi banyak membantunya semasa di Turki. Dialek Turki yang pelbagai dapat dibiasakan dalam tempoh yang singkat. Ammar cemerlang dan dapat markah penuh dalam kertas sejarah mengalahkan orang tempatan. Namanya harum di sana. 
Cuti panjang diisi dengan menekuni kitab Risalah An-Nur di pondok.

Allah lebih sayanagkan Ammar. Dalam perjalanan ke satu tempat, Ammar dilanggar oleh Van Ambulan. Van yang sama menghantar Ammar ke hospital. Tiada kesan darah pada tubuhnya.
Ibu bapanya bergegas ke Turki. Ammar dikebumikan di perkuburan sahabat Ayub Al-Ansari. Jarang-jarang berlaku. Solat jenazah diimamkan oleh seorang imam yang berdoa dengan penuh syahdu.

Ammar pergi ke Turki belajar sejarah Turki, tetapi dia pula menjadi sejarah di Turki.
Perancangan Allah lebih hebat. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Umar Mukhtar: Lion of Desert

"Pada ketika Itali mahu mengembalikan era kegemilangan Empayar Rom, Libya menjadi antara sasaran mereka bagi meluaskan kuasa.

Selepas berjaya menghalau tentera Empayar Uthmaniyah daripada Libya, Itali mendabik dada sebagai penjajah. Tetapi kegembiraan Itali tidak lama, kerana di Libya muncul seorang pejuang yang digeruni, pejuang yang mendapat gelaran Singa Padang Pasir, iaitu Umar Mukhtar.

Beliau bersama rakyat Libya mengangkat senjata menentang tentera Itali yang serba moden. Walaupun Umar Mukhtar dan tenteranya serba kekurangan, tetapi tentera Itali tidak pernah mampu mengalahkan mereka, tidak mampu menewaskannya, selama puluhan tahun.

Semua itu berubah pada ketika kehadiran Jeneral Rodolfo Graziani. Akhirnya buku bertemu ruas. Namun Umar Mukhtar tahu, hidup dan matinya tidak akan pernah sia-sia, kerana dia berjuang demi agama dan bangsa. Perjuangan yang menangnya beroleh pahala, dan matinya menemui syurga.

Ikuti kisah Umar Mukhtar, Singa Padang Pasir."

Sebuah Novel Al-Ghazali, penulis buku sejarah tokokh2 Islami. Gaya penulisannya sedikit sebanyak seperti penulis Novel Islami terkenal Saudara Abdul Latip Talib.

Seditiki sebanyak plot2 penting dalam Novel ini.

Selepas kematian ibu, dan saudara terdekat pun sudah tiada lagi, ketika itu Umar Mukhtar berumur 14 tahun, seorang anak yang cerdas dan akalnya tajam. Majid bawa Umar untuk bertemu Syeikh Sharif (Pemimpin masyarakat Janzour, anak saudara Hussein al-Ghariani tokoh agama terkenal Barqa).

Syeikh Sharif bertanya kepada Umar,"Kalau pak cik tawarkan kamu segelas susu, wang sepuluh , dirham dan sebuah kitab, yang mana satu agaknya kamu pilih dan kenapa?"

Umar menjawab" kitab,". " Segelas susu mungkin berikan saya rasa kenyang dengan ebberapa tegukan. Sepuluh dirham boleh beri saya kenyang dalam beberapa hari. Tetapi ilmu dalam sebuah kitab boleh jadikan saya bijaksana sepanjang hidup."

Syeikh Sharif ssangat kagum dengan jawapan Umar lalu setuju bagi mengambil Umar sebagai anak angkat.

Seterusnya, hari bersejarah buat Umar Mukhtar, anak angkat Sharif Al-Ghariani mengetuai satu rombangan dagang kafilah Janzour merentasi gurun Libya ke Sudan. Dalam perjalanan itu, Umar berjaya menyembelih seekor singa liar yang sering menyerang kafilah dagang yang merentasi gurun tersebut. Umar mula terkenal dengan gelaran "Singa Barqa". Mungkin sebab itu beliau digelar "Lion of the desert".

Apabila hafazan Umar sudah sempurna, Sharif al-Ghariani menghantar Umar melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang Tafsir Al-Quran dan ilmu Hadis di Jaghbub (pusat perkembangan  utama bagi pergerakan al-Sanussi. Pertubuhan Al-Sanussi  adalah sebuah pertubuhan bertunjangkan keagamaa yang memiliki pengikut yang ramai di Libya dan Sudan. Pergerakan ini diasaskan oleh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Ali al-Sanussi, seorang graduan Universiti Al-Azhar di Mesir (jalur keturunan bersambung dengan cucunda Nabi Muhammad, Hassan Bin Ali). Apabila beliau menunggal dunia, perjuangannya disambung anak lelakinya iaitu Sayyid Muhammad Al-Mahdi. Secara asanya, pergerakan ini menekankan kepentingan perpaduan antara saudara seagama. Bekerja keras dan menggalakkan orang Islam menguasai ekonomi supaya tidak hidup miskin. Umar belajar di sana hampir 8 tahun.

Membantu Orang Chad.
Abdul Fattah rakan lama Umar memohon bantuan bagi menghadapi tentera Perancing yang menceroboh Chad. Rabih Al-Zubayr orang kanan kepada pemerintah Chad.
Pada tahung 1899, tentera Perancis menghantar tentera menyerang Chad pimpinan Rabih al-Zuhayr. Rabih meminta bantuan daripada Sayyid Muhammad Bin al_Sanussi yang berpengaruh di Afrika Utara. Ketika itu Umar Mukhtar berumur 40 tahun turut mengumpulkan anggota pergerakan al-Sanussi dari serata daerah Tobruk. Hampir 10 ribu orang berjaya dikumpulkan.

Tarikh 17 Julai 1899, pertempuran meletus  di Togbao, berhampiran sungai Chari antara pergerakan al-sanussi dan orang Chad melawan tentera Perancis yang diketuai Leftenan Bretonnet. Walaupun serba serbi kurang tetapi dengan berbekalkan keberanian, tentera Perancis berjaya dikalahkan
dan Left Brettonet berjaya dibunuh. Tentera Perancis tidak mahu mengalah, Perancis mengumpul tentera di Algeria dan nigeria bagi melawan anggita pergerakan al-Sanussi. Kemuncaknya pada 22 April, 1900. Tentera Perancis melancar serangan besar-besaran, lebih 600 askar bersenapang dan 200 kavalri daripada sekutu Baguirmians. Serangan bergelombang daripada Perancis berjaya. Kousseri ke Sg Chari. Rabih al-Zubayr terbunuh semasa serangan hendap Perancis itu. Selepas itu, Sayyid Muhammad juga dibunuh oleh perisik Itali. Moral pergerakan al-Sanussi menurun. Umar meniggalkan Chad dalam keadaan sedih.

Sampai sahaja ke rumah, Umar dikejutkan dengan berita Itali cuba merampas Libya dari Turki.  Hubungan Turki Uthmaniyyah dan Libya semakin rapat dengan kehadiran seorang laksamana angakatan laut Turki Uthamniyyah yang berasal dari kepulau Aegean, Hayreddin Barbarossa.
Libya terdiri daripada 3 wilayah besar iaitu Tripolitana, Fezzan dan Cyrenaica, wilayah ini ditadbir kerajaan Uthmaniyyah. Namun, selepas kekalahan kerajaan Uthmaniyyah keapda pakatan Russia pada tahun 1877-1878. Perancis dan Britain ambil Tunisia.. Itali pula melobi untuk mengambil Tripoli. Itali  dan Perancis menandatangani perjanjian, Itali ambil Tripoli dan Maghribi. Itali tangguhkan operasi ketentaraan sementara waktu akibat kekurangan dana. Tapi, selepas mendapat tahu Libya memiliki simpanan bahan api yang banyak, Itali gelap mata.

Perang Turci-Italian
Ketika itu, parti Sosialis yang diketuai Giovanni Giolitti, mengisytiharkan perang  secara rasmi ke atas Libya pada 29 September 1911. Kapten Carlo Piazza guna pesawat pada 23 Oktober 1911 bagi meninjau musuh.seminggu kemudian, Giulio Gavotti menjatuhkan 4 bom di Taguira dan Ain Zara dengan menggunakan pesawat Etrich Taube model terawal. Ia merupakan searngan udara pertama dalam sejarah peperangan dunia. Tobruk, Derna dan Khoms menjadi wilayah pertama ditawan Itali.Tentera Turki dengan bantuan orang Arab melawan balik tentera Itali di Benghazi.Umar bersama anak buahnya tidak melepaskan peluang bagi membantu tentera Turki.

Pergerakan tentera Turki ketika itu diketuai oleh Kapten Kamal Attaturk yang berjaya mengekang kemaraan tentera Itali. Tentera laut Itali 7 kali ganda lebih besar berbanding Turki. Semakin banyak kawsan jatuh ke tangan Itali, termasuk 12 pulau, Pulau Rhodes,
18 Oktober 1912,perjanjian Ouchy termeterai antara Turki dan Itali. kerajaan Ithmaniyyah setuju mengundurkan bala tentera mereka dari Trablusdan benghazi.Itali setuju memulangkan Rhides dan Aegean yang menjadi milik Ithmaniyyah sejak ratusan tahun dahulu.
Secara sah, Libya menjadi koloni Itali. Berlangsung selama 39 tahun.

Pelantikan baru Mussolini sebagai perdana mentari, sambutan hebat di dataran Puazza Vanezia dengan sorakan " Viva Il Duce! Luaskan kuasamu Il Duce!" mendapat sokongan dari Wilayah Lombardi di utara, Pulau Sardinia di laut Tyrrhenian, sehingga ke wilayah Calabria di selatan.
Misinya meluaskan kuasa ke Selatan, di Cyrenaica (orang Libya memanggilnya sebagai Barqa).
Sudah 5 gabenor dihantar dalam tempoh 5 tahun ke Cyrenacia. Mussolini melantik Graziani sebagai gabenor baru bagi menangkap Umar Mukhtar. Grazziani terkenal dengan kebinatangannya di wilayah Fezzan.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Apa pandangan CEO PETRONAS bila harga minyak jatuh?

The chief executive of Malaysian energy giant Petronas is using the sliding oil price to push the boundaries on innovation while reining in costs.
Datuk Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin took stewardship of Malaysian state-owned oil and gas giantPetronas on 1 April 2015, a day known in many parts of the world as April Fools’ Day. The irony is not lost on the company veteran, given the tough trading conditions Petronas is battling on the back of a sustained slump in the price of crude oil.
It has made his role of president and chief executive an even greater challenge. Wan Zulkiflee is shepherding the company’s 51,000 employees in 75 countries through a thorough and very public cost-cutting drive. He’s also responsible for contributing a large chunk to the Malaysian Government’s coffers – 30 per cent of government revenue came from Petronas in 2014, down from 40 per cent in 2009. 
Against this, the crude oil price has dropped by about 50 per cent since mid-2014, largely due to an over-supplied market. Prices spent much of 2015 below US$50 a barrel and, while they’ve recovered at times over the past 12 months, analysts believe it will be many years before oil again fetches US$100 a barrel.
As a full-service oil and gas company, Petronas’s operations cover exploration, production and delivery of energy. It is one of the most profitable enterprises in Asia, with 2015 revenue of US$100 billion and a 2014 ranking by Fortune as the world’s 75th largest company.
Lewis Hamilton, right, an.

The company is also bolstering its maxim of “Reimagining Energy” by repurposing trackside intelligence for use in passenger vehicles. Its partnership with the Mercedes AMG team and sponsorship of the Malaysian Grand Prix have cemented its name in F1 for many years to come.
So, what is the outlook for the oil and gas sector? Wan Zulkiflee says that, given that many innovative energy products are still being fine-tuned and overall demand for energy remains high, fossil fuels will be part of the energy mix for many years to come. He adds that technology is enabling companies like Petronas to dig deeper and more efficiently to meet continued consumer demand.
Wan Zulkiflee recently spoke with CPA Australia chief executive Alex Malley during CPA Congress in Kuala Lumpur.
Alex Malley: I’d like to take you back to your younger days when you came to Australia to study. Was engineering something you were always interested in studying and how did you find living in Australia?
Datuk Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin: I was under a Malaysian Government scholarship, so I did my matriculation in Adelaide. My parents encouraged me to do medicine but I thought six years was too long! So I opted for chemical engineering.
Language wasn’t a problem and I thought the society was very interesting. My first observation would be how sports take centre stage in Australia as compared to here. It’s a very open and outdoor society, more than what we have back home. 
The teaching is also very different – back here, it’s more exams-oriented. Over there [in Australia], it’s still exams-oriented but the engagement in class is a lot different than
what we are used to here in Malaysia.
Malley: You’ve been CEO of Petronas for nearly nine months now – what have been your earliest observations?
Wan Zulkiflee: I took on the role at a very interesting time. I assumed the position on the first of April ... April Fools’ Day. That was the very same day when Malaysia introduced theGST. It’s also the same day 32 years ago that I joined the company.

Managing costs and innovation

Malley: When you took on this role, crude prices had been dropping and it was a difficult time for the sector. You’ve been looking at cost cutting to become more effective. How’s that been going?
Wan Zulkiflee: It’s been a very challenging few months and we are the same as any other oil company. So we are using this opportunity to cut out many of the inefficiencies that we unfortunately have in the organisation and also in the oil and gas industry in Malaysia in general. We’ve got a compelling reason now; we’ve got a rallying call to look at the way we do things, to look at our cost structure and where we are spending our time. 
It’s public knowledge also that we have called in our service providers to say, “Look, we are here for the long term so it’s for everybody’s mutual benefit that we stay long term.”
Essentially, we got very good revisions [on Petronas’s contracts with those service providers]. It’s not only us; I think it’s across the board in the oil and gas industry everywhere.
Internally, we also looked at many things that we do differently. When you really push and stretch, you come up with innovative ways of doing things and I very much encourage that.
Malley: Anyone can manage success. It’s at the end of the success curve where we can get lax and fall, and when we fall is the opportunity to be innovative. Where have you seen opportunities for innovation? 
Wan Zulkiflee: When people talk about innovation, they think about our technology etc, but I think we stretch the definition. Innovation is also in the way that we manage our talent, our planning and budgeting. These are not so obvious but they are culturally important.
As an organisation, you need to provide the platform and you need to tolerate some mistakes along the way.

Talent management and teamwork

Malley: You have been at Petronas for more than 32 years, and when you became CEO you knew so many of the staff. How did you find that culturally – to be working within a team and then to be ultimately in charge of the team?
Wan Zulkiflee: At Petronas, succession planning comes from within. Essentially, most of the management team grew up together; we know our weaknesses and we know our strengths, and I think that gives us a lot of advantage. The teamwork we have is excellent and that is a strength, actually.
Having said that, from time to time we’ve taken in seasoned players from other organisations; they bring new blood, new thinking to the organisation. We also make a point of moving people around the company. We spend a lot of resources on talent management – we have a good leadership pool.
Having good talent will really differentiate the company.
Malley: What sorts of things are you doing that enhance talent management?
Wan Zulkiflee: Last year alone, we spent 500 million ringgit  [A$166 million] on training and leadership development. That’s a fairly sizeable investment; it’s a serious undertaking.
My ex-co [executive committee] spends at least half a day every month discussing talent; what are their development plans and who do we think can take over our positions? We have a very low attrition rate.

Opportunities in the region

Alex Malley and Datuk Zulkiflee
Alex Malley and Datuk Zulkiflee
Alex Malley and Datuk Zulkiflee
Malley: You’ve said publicly in recent times that Malaysia’s oil and gas companies need to be more collaborative to navigate these tough trading conditions. What would that look like in a perfect world?
Wan Zulkiflee: We are in a period now where inefficiencies that are not so obvious when times are good start to show up. If we take five or seven years ago, the cost of doing business really went up in tandem with the price of crude. But when the crude price came down, the cost was very sticky.
So this is the time where, as a whole industry, there are a lot of opportunities. We look at the Malaysian oil and gas industry and it is just too fragmented; you’ve got too many small companies. Essentially, this will be an opportune time to conglomerate and have the critical mass to be competitive, not only in Malaysia but also probably the region.

Leadership and integrity

Malley: When you look back at your career and you think about being a young leader, what have you learnt about leadership over those years? 
Wan Zulkiflee: I had the opportunity of working with many of the leadership team in Petronas over the years. But what I’m  really convinced about is that the management style today has to be different. 
The demographics of the organisation really pushes the management gap. Today, 55 per cent of the Petronas population is under 35 years old. The style that worked for us 25 or 30 years ago will not work today. We were very dictatorial or authoritarian during the early years; that was the kind of management that was required at that time.
When you first started, there was no strategy, no plans. Today, I believe a different kind of management is required. People are better qualified. A big thrust with my leadership team is to accept that, as a group, we must change our style, so we place a lot of time in changing the culture of the organisation. That’s very important.
As for my style, I don’t really micromanage; the teams are empowered. I have a few conditions that I’ve set for them – I need line of sight and I need them to justify the decisions they make. 
There are very few occasions where I deep dive. It’s important to know when to deep dive and when to step back. Same with my ex-co – we agree, we disagree, but we must commit when we go out. The messaging is so key.
Malley: Petronas was created through legislation with specific guiding principles. Tell me how they fit into the organisation’s culture.
Wan Zulkiflee: The Petroleum Development Act in 1974 gave birth to Petronas. Through that Act, we were vested the rights to exploit, explore and manage all the country’s resources and to be the responsible manager of those resources. When you are given such a position of trust, integrity is very important.
The chief integrity officer reports in to me; she is a secondee from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. Messaging and creating the environment in which we have zero tolerance of corruption and bribery are very important.

Future of the industry

Malley: If you look into your crystal ball what do you see for the future of the oil and gas sector, especially if you consider the likes of [electric car company] Tesla and other innovative technology providers? 
Wan Zulkiflee: Fossil fuels will still play a very big role. If the Teslas of the world achieve real development in terms of storage, that could change; but I think fossil fuels will still play a big role.
Malley: What does the world supply of fossil fuels look like?
Wan Zulkiflee: When I joined the company, we had an ROP [Reserves Over Production] figure in Malaysia of 17 years.
I’ve been in the company for 32 years now and we still have an ROP in the double-digits. It all depends on the market – on the affordability in the market – because there will be high costs with all the inefficiencies.
There is still a lot of oil the deeper you go and we have deep waters here. In Malaysia, we have got close to two kilometres of water depth and that’s to the seabed, and then we go down further.
Technology plays an important role. Of course, it’s a finite resource; it’s a depleting resource. But I think the market will adjust itself to that.

View Datuk Wan Zulkiflee’s CPA Congress 2015 session 

Leveraging off Formula One

Petronas has been involved in Formula One (F1) for 20 years and is the most visible energy company associated with the sport.
In 2010, it teamed up with Mercedes AMG and in October won the 2015 Constructors’ Championship. Drivers Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg are rarely far from the podium. 
The association with F1 has been the driving force behind the technical advances Petronas has made, particularly in its lubricants business.
That technical relationship has recently extended to a business alliance with Mercedes-Benz. The cutting-edge technology developed trackside for the F1 cars has been transferred into creating class-leading lubricants for passenger cars.
Says Wan Zulkiflee of Petronas’s involvement in F1: “It is part of our corporate branding. I don’t think we would be able to get that kind of exposure across the world.
“Not only that, there are some business propositions we leverage a lot – we supply all the fuels and lubricants and we do a lot of research. We’ve got a mobile institute lab for the testing of the lubricants at every race; we do real-time testing. We get a lot of data and what we learn is also transferred back for the consumers to experience.”

Looking after the locals

Wan Zulkiflee: Part of our mission statement is to contribute to the wellbeing of society. This is not only for Malaysia; we contribute to any location that we operate in. We give education sponsorships to an average 300 students per year. Some we send to our own university – the Universiti Teknologi Petronas [in Malaysia] – some are for overseas. We also provide scholarships to the locals where we operate.

Credit 100% to:

Monday, November 16, 2015


Akan nampak buruk, bila  ahli politik bermain kotor.
Akan nampak indah, bila ahli politik bertanggungjawab menggalas amanah.

Politik pembangkang, politik kerajaan? Politik Islam?
Politik di Malaysia, kita orang awam dapat maklumat daripada media arus utama seperti surat khabar khabar "main stream" (Berita Harian, Utusan, etc.), TV (RTM, TV3) dan lain2 media yang terlihat lebih menyebelahi pihak kerajaan. Beritanya nampak kerajaan seperti terlalu sempurna, tiada yang salah, betul ke???

Kalau anda sangsi...

Bolehlah cuba beralih arah ke media alternatif. Tapi perlu juga hati2, kerana tak semestinya yang alternatif itu telus, kerana masing2 ada agenda yang tersendiri, kecualilah AGENDA mereka kebenaran, ketelusan, keadilan atau sebagainya yang selari dengan politik Islam.

Apa-apa pun, antara media alternatif yang menjadi pilihan penulis adalah:

Surat khabar/ e-paper
1. Sinar Harian
2. Harakahdaily


Facebook yang mewakili suara Kaum Cina:
1. Timmysay (Penganalisa Politik)
2. Jenice Lee (Bekas ADUN DAP Teratai)
3. Wan Ahmad Fayhsal (Penganalisis Ekonomi)
4. Imran Haz

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Rahsia terbongkar - Angka misteri pada kad pengenalan

Tak nak cerita panjang..
Banyak kali dah konfius benda-benda macam ni.
Untuk reference aku dan korang untuk akan datang.

Sejak 1990, setiap warganegara Malaysia diberikan satu set nombor 12-digit yang unik dalam format 

Kumpulan digit pertama (TTBBHH) merupakan tarikh lahir pemilik KP. 
Kumpulan kedua (NN) pula merupakan kod negeri lahir, iaitu 
01-13 untuk negeri-negeri, 
14-16 untuk Wilayah Persekutuan dan kod 
71 jika lahir di luar Malaysia. 
Bagi anggota polis, kod yang digunakan ialah 88 
manakala untuk anggota tentera, kod yang digunakan ialah 99. 

Untuk J pula:
J=angka ganjil -> Lelaki

J=Angka genap -> Perempuan

Johor 01,21,22,23,24 
Kedah 02, 25, 26, 27 
Kelantan 03, 28, 29 
Melaka 04, 30 
Negeri Sembilan 05, 31,59 
Pahang 06, 32, 33 
Pulau Pinang 07, 34, 35 
Perak 08, 36, 37, 38, 39 
Perlis 09, 40 
Selangor 10, 41, 42, 43, 44 
Terengganu 11, 45, 46 
Sabah 12, 47, 48, 49 
Sarawak 13, 50, 51, 52, 53 
Wilayah Persekutuan (KL) 14, 54, 55, 56, 57 
Wilayah Persekutuan (Labuan) 15, 58 
Wilayah Persekutuan (Putrajaya) 16 
Negeri Tidak Diketahui 82

Credit to: 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome back Husen Husaini

Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim..

Selepas lama tertangguh niat di hati untuk menyambung kembali menulis di blog. Kini, aku menulis kembali..
Mudah-mudahan lebih matang, berguna dan kritis buat diri dan semua pembaca.

                   Image result for penulis

Monday, June 13, 2011

Keyboard shortcuts dekat Gmail

Hari ni aku nak kongsi pasal Keyboard shortcuts

name pun dah short cut, so bende ni akan menjimatkan masa..harap2 dapat la terase penjimatannya..huhu

Keyboard shortcuts help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. You'll need a Standard 101/102-Key or Natural PS/2 Keyboard to use the shortcuts.To turn these case-sensitive shortcuts on or off, click Settings, and then pick an option next to Keyboard shortcuts. You can also enable shortcuts automatically by going to

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rReplyReplies to the message sender.  + r allows you to reply to a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
aReply allReplies to all message recipients.  +aallows you to reply to all message recipients in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
fForwardForwards a message. + f allows you to forward a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.')
Escape from input fieldRemoves the cursor from your current input field.
+ sSave draftSaves the current text as adraft when composing a message. Hold the key while pressing s and make sure your cursor is in one of the text fields -- either the composition pane, or any of the To, CC, BCC, or Subject fields -- when using this shortcut.
#DeleteMoves the conversation to Trash.
lLabelOpens the Labels menu to label a conversation.
vMove toMoves the conversation from the inbox to a different label, Spam or Trash.
+ iMark as readMarks your message as 'read' and skip to the next message.
+ uMark as unreadMarks your message as 'unread' so you can go back to it later.
[Archive and previousRemoves the current view's label from your conversation and moves to the previous one.
]Archive and nextRemoves the current view's label from your conversation and moves to the next one.
zUndoUndoes your previous action, if possible (works for actions with an 'undo' link).
+ nUpdate current conversationUpdates your current conversation when there are new messages.
qMove cursor to chat searchMoves your cursor directly to the chat search box.
yRemove from Current View*Automatically removes the message or conversation from your current view.
  • From 'Inbox,' 'y' means Archive
  • From 'Starred,' 'y' means Unstar
  • From 'Trash,' 'y' means Move to inbox
  • From any label, 'y' means Remove the label
* 'y' has no effect if you're in 'Spam,' 'Sent,' or 'All Mail.'
.Show more actionsDisplays the 'More Actions' drop-down menu.
+ Opens options in Chat
  • + moves from edit field in your chat window to select the 'Video and more' menu
  • Next, press to select the emoticon menu
  • Press to open the selected menu
?Show keyboard shortcuts helpDisplays the keyboard shortcuts help menu within any page you're on. (Note: Typing ? will display the help menu even if you don't have keyboard shortcuts enabled)
kMove up a contactMoves your cursor up in your contact list
jMove down a contactMoves your cursor down in your contact list
o or OpenOpens the contact with the cursor next to it.
uReturn to contact list viewRefreshes your page and returns you to the contact list.
eRemove from Current GroupRemoves selected contacts from the group currently being displayed.
xSelect contactChecks and selects a contact so that you can change group membership or choose an action from the drop-down menu to apply to the contact.
Escape from input fieldRemoves the cursor from the current input
#DeleteDeletes a contact permanently
lGroup membershipOpens the groups button to group contacts
zUndoReverses your previous action, if possible (works for actions with an 'undo' link)
.Show more actionsOpens the "More actions" drop-down menu.

Combo-keys - Use the following combinations of keys to navigate through Gmail.
Shortcut KeyDefinitionAction
then Send messageAfter composing your message, use this combination to send it automatically. (Supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox, on Windows.)
y then oArchive and nextArchives your conversation and moves to the next one.
g then aGo to 'All Mail'Takes you to 'All Mail,' the storage site for all mail you've ever sent or received (and have not deleted).
g then sGo to 'Starred'Takes you to all conversations you have starred.
g then cGo to 'Contacts'Takes you to your Contacts list.
g then dGo to 'Drafts'Takes you to all drafts you have saved.
g then lGo to 'Label'Takes you to the search box with the "label:" operator filled in for you.
g then iGo to 'Inbox'Returns you to the inbox.
g then tGo to 'Sent Mail'Takes you to all mail you've sent.
* then aSelect allSelects all mail.
* then nSelect noneDeselects all mail.
* then rSelect readSelects all mail you've read.
* then uSelect unreadSelects all unread mail.
* then sSelect starredSelects all starred mail.
* then tSelect unstarredSelects all unstarred mail.
updated 03/20/2011